Stefania Bisacco

Telefono: 3404229684

Stefania Bisacco

Citta di residenza:


Città in cui svolgo l'attivita:




Linguaggio artistico utilizzato:

arti visive

Descrizione ambito artistico:

collage digitali
Hi, I’m Stefania! I am an illustrator and digital/collage artist based in Torino, Italy. In case you didn’t notice, I am addicted to colors! When I am not working on some new ideas and designs, I love walking in the woods with my three dogs Leon, Niki and Pimpa. I am available for many types of commissions, including illustrations for children books and digital artworks. My new website: This is my previous website: - still up for nostalgic purposes and an older photogallery! Please get in touch if you need more information. Have a nice day!